Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Four Stages of the Text Your Ex Back System

First Stage: Across the Bow

This stage represents the introductory phase where you begin to send messages to encourage communication with your Ex again. In this stage you never mention the topic of reconciliation since the goal of this phase is to simply open new lines of communication.

Second Stage: Best of Relationship

In the second stage of the Text Your Ex Back system, the new goal is to take advantage of the newlines of open communication to create positive remembrance.  You want to casually remind your Ex of positive experiences you shared in order to place your prior relationship in a positive light.

These memories can vary from a special secret you share, a trip you took together or something as simple as a favorite movie or television show.The purpose of this phase is so you can
remind your Ex of all the good times you shared together.

This can help to rekindle feelings that may have faded but are being resurfaced. This is important as you attempt to build a new relationship based on positive emotional feelings.

Third Stage: Intimacy Booster & Green Eyed Monster

The goal of this stage is to build on the positive memories introduced in the second stage and utilize a variety of new text messages. These messages will be designed to build positive feelings and eliminate negative thoughts that may have been lingering. The goal is to have your

Ex begin to consider the idea of reconciliation while you have still not mentioned the possibility yourself.

Fourth Stage: Emotional Honesty

The accomplishment of the first three stages has helped to place you in a positive light and inspired your Ex to consider the idea of reconciliation. The final stage will open the door for you to express the feelings you have for your Ex and have them warmly received. Here you can share how you still care for your Ex and suggest the possibility of reconciliation if your Ex has not already brought the topic up themselves. You will not only express how much you care but also express your desire for commitment as you start your second but new relationship.


One element every individual should remember when utilizing the Text Your Ex Back system is the steps of the program need to be followed and it is never beneficial to try and rush the results.Skipping any step intentionally will only harm your chances of successfully reaching your Ex and creating a new and stronger relationship. Following each stage as designed will help to increase the likelihood of success from your testing efforts.

Make the Smart Investment

When you find yourself longing for an Ex or regretting a break up, the Text Your Ex Back system can help you take the necessary steps to rekindling feelings and building a new relationship. The Text Your Ex Back system comes with a 60 day guarantee where you can get your money back if you don’t find success.

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