Getting dumped by your boyfriend or girlfriend can be a traumatic experience especially if you are still committed to the relationship. Many people who find themselves on the wrong end of a breakup hold out hope that the union can be reconciled. If you have found yourself in this position, it is likely that you are constantly looking for signs your ex wants you back. These signs can be difficult to recognize, and it is hard to be objective when you are emotionally invested in a favorable outcome.

man and woman looking into each others eyes-Reminiscing
Does your ex regularly bring up the good times you had together? If so, this almost certainly means that there is still a spark left. If the memories the two of you share still elicit strong emotions, and are still on his or her mind, there is a good chance that reconciliation is possible. In the absence of direct evidence, bring up some of your fondest memories and gauge the reaction you get from your ex. Do you see genuine emotion or a flat affect? The answer to this question is quite telling, and can be one of the clearest signs your ex wants you back.
Keeping Tabs
Another key thing to look for is interest in your daily comings and goings. If your former partner has moved on emotionally, you will not see much concern for what you are up to on a daily basis. On the contrary, if he or she is always calling to find out what your plans are and who you are spending time with, there is still an emotional investment. Again, be sure to differentiate between polite interest and genuine concern. Just because someone asks what you are up to does not mean that he or she really cares about your answer.
Possessive Language
Pay attention to how your ex speaks to you. If there is still some romantic interest there, you will hear it in the language. This can be subtle, but if you are paying attention you will notice it. Collective pronouns like “we” and “us” indicate that he or she still thinks of the two of you as a partnership if they are used in a positive sense. These terms, when used affectionately, are strong signs your ex wants you back.
Sometimes the signs your ex wants you back come from within. The feelings deep in your gut can tell you an awful lot if you are willing to listen closely. These feelings do not always tell you what you want to hear but they are usually pretty accurate. Ask yourself whether you feel like there is a real chance of reconciliation, or if you are just unwilling to let go. Explore your deepest feelings and trust your intuition.
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