Many times your ex may simply disregard your messages just because they are either full of anger or full of mush. Always use neutral and wise words to start your text messages. Keep in mind that it is the first message which will make or break the attempt to initiate a conversation to get back with your ex. Never get too emotional, especially when sending the first text message after the breakup. Neutral text messages like, “how are you right now?” Or “how did you day go?” have a far better chance of getting a reply in comparison to messages like, “I desperately need you back” or “I enjoy you.”
Tip number 2 to text your ex back– fascinate him/her with your conversation. Once your ex has replied to one of your initial messages, it is important that you continue the conversation by using neutral and fascinating topics. Steer clear from intimate topics which might end up making him/her feel uncomfortable and completely quit responding to your text messages. The essential point in any such conversation is trying to comprehend what other person is saying and replying in accord to that. Give him/her enough time before jumping into topics related to relationship as it may be too premature to talk about them.
Tip number 3 to text your ex back– never bombard your ex with continuous text messages.In case your ex is unable to reply quickly to your text message, avoid shooting continuous text messages to him or her. Give him/her ample time to think about his/her reply. This is all the more important if it is a very fragile topic that you are discussing. Give him/her a breather prior to shooting one text message after the other. Also stay away from begging for a response as you may end up sounding desperate. Hold onto your horses and practice patience; there are good chances that you might get the reply you want and things may start moving in the right direction.
Learn several tricks like these from expert Michael Fiore in his e-book Text Your Ex Back.Most Commonly Made Mistakes While Trying to Text Your Ex Back – And How to Avoid Them.Breaking up with one’s partner is never an easy thing and is normally attributed to some mistakes that were committed by both individuals during the relationship. It could be that one of you cheated or perhaps there was a huge communication gap. The end result was putting an end to it all and going different